Sicilian cart
The first Sicilian carts date back to the nineteenth century, when the roads were not those of today and were dirt, which is why transport was limited to the backs of the animals. The first carts were made with very high wheels to be able to better tackle the "trazzere", roads made up of large natural paths.
It was a short step from a means of transport to a work of art.
Every family that owned a cart, an indispensable means for transport, loved to have it decorated, first with sacred images, as a sort of protection, then with the themes of storytellers who told of knights and love.
Furthermore, the painting of the cart also fulfilled the functions of protecting the wood, the commercial function and promoting one's business, as well as demonstrating the wealth of the owner.
There are various elements that differentiate the cart for the different areas of origin on the island, hence the birth of various art schools and families, not least the colors which, immediately, identified craftsmanship and places of creation. Yellow, red, orange and green, the main ones, evidence of the predominant colors of Sicily.